During the 11th ConsEuro 2021 Congress, scientists and researchers throughout Europe will have the opportunity to present, discuss and critique their investigation in a virtual platform. If you are involved in dental research, we urge you to submit an abstract for consideration for poster presentation.
Online abstract submission system will be available and open until midnight 24:00 (CET) on 06 March 2022. Abstracts will be sent to the Scientific Committee Members for a blind evaluation process. Authors will receive confirmation of acceptance of their works by 10 March 2022.
Online Abstract System ProcedureThe text of the abstract should be arranged as per the format below and each section must begin with the section heading printed in bold as follows.
Aim: Clearly state the aim and hypotheses of your research.
Materials and Methods: Please describe methodology so that readers understand your approach. In experimental studies please mention number of specimens/participants/study groups.
Results: Present data and statistical analysis with concrete numbers such as means and standard deviations. Avoid vague statements as abstracts with vague presentation of data will be rejected.
Conclusion: Must be based on the described results and should be explicit.
Please acknowledge all sources of funding at the end of the abstract.
Aim: Please describe the baseline situation (diagnosis), the indication and the aim of the treatment.
Case Description: Please describe the treatment, the used materials and methods.
Results: Please describe the clinical outcomes.
Discussion: Please evaluate the treatment outcomes and critically discuss the treatment methodology.
Please acknowledge all sources of funding at the end of the abstract.